Not Without Hope.
May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy & peace as you trust in him....Romans 15:13

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Found this... God is so faithful!!
Okay-- this was written in Notes on facebook after Caedmon had a couple of seizures that landed us in the hospital in 2008. I found it and began to weep in awe of my God who restores and heals and shows his faithfulness time after time after time. Caedmon has come such a LONG way from this moment in time and I can recall SO many ways God used this particular event to mold our family and I trust, others. Wanted to share, again.... He is ALWAYS near friends. Enjoy.
December 31, 2008
We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and
endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope
DOES NOT put us to shame, because Gods love has been poured into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5
Caedmon had two seizures Saturday night late. We met the doctor at the emergency room due to the number and length of the seizures. We were admitted Sunday morning and stayed through Monday night. Caedmon is fine we've learned that seizures hurt the people around the person seizing more than they hurt them but due to the medication dosage they needed to give Caedmon we had to stay for a long length of time so they could monitor him. Since we've been home we have lowered this new medication to make it more tolerable for Caedmon. He is very drowsy and sometimes gets dizzy. This is a short term medication but we will still be giving two meds for seizures in the future. We will probbaly switch to one that does not have such a negative effect on his mood and personality at a later date. His body should get used to this medicine while he is on it though. There are no real answers for seizures. Why they happen and what can cause them is unknown in our case and in most cases. It is a game to find which med works and what dosage works until then we pray and speak against seizures! We will go see our neorologist in January and decide on a more suitable medication for long term and begin trying to figure out what may be causing these seizures to happen. Also, we will not always end up in the hospital when they happen. Seizures can't take Caedmons smile away and his strength and braveness is unbelievable! We were so proud of how he acted to everything while at the hospital. I will not keep you much longer but I will say this... in our life group we have been talking about suffering and while in the ER Jeff says to me, "Getting through suffering is easier said than done but in all things God remains in control and continues to care about his children" ... this is what we believe and will teach our kids to believe. God is so good and through everything he watches over us and protects us. His hand is in it all and for that we give him the glory in this time!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Family is good.
One of my most favorite things to do each and every year is our annual Spears family reunion. Usually, its just a weekend type thing and very local. However, this year we did something a little different and went further away to camp and for an entire week. It was JUST what my sweet family of four needed. Some time away to focus on each other, focus on all our blessings and spend time with our extended family. For this is one of our favorite things to do:) Vacation found us in Canyon Lake, Texas. The hill country. It was beautiful! It was also 107 degrees most days but a breeze from the valley greeted us most everyday. We swam, played HARD, and swam some more, ate really good.... and a lot, went to Gruene, and ate at Grist Mill! So good!